What is looping your kite?
In the simplest terms looping your kite is when you steer your kite aggressively in one direction so it completes a full circle.
Why should you learn to loop your kite?
There are times in kiteboarding where if your kite falls into the water it will be impossible to relaunch from the water meaning you will have to self rescue and worse, swim a long distance.
If you know how to loop your kite then you can generate power to body surf your self back to the safety of the land in almost zero wind.
There are two varieties of kite loop. The down loop and the kite loop. The down loop is generally easier and safer to learn and use. The kite loop is generally used in big air tricks but can also be used to help you get back to land safely in extreme light wind.

In extreme light wind, if you have moved your kite too far past 11 or 1 there is a good chance that there will not be enough wind to hold your kite in the air and it will fall out of the sky. If your kite becomes totally unresponsive in the sky, you can force a down loop to keep your kite in the sky and to move it back into the power.
Down looping drives your kite down so it picks up speed, creates its own wind and becomes more responsive. It’s the same principle as an aeroplane that is stalling and needs to be sent into a dive for the pilot to regain control.
Down loops should only be practiced in super light wind to begin with.

How to down loop
Important! Practice only in very light wind in shallow water above your knee and with several hundred meters of space downwind of you.
Take your kite to 11 or 1 at the edge of the wind window before you down loop. Don’t down loop in the middle of the power zone.
Pull your bar in all the way to the stopper so you have full power and maximum responsiveness. If your kite is on your left, pull as hard as you can on the left side of your bar. Keep pulling on the one side of your bar, hard. Keep pulling until your kite turns all the way around and starts to climb back up to 12.
- If your kite is not turning fast enough with your bar pulled in all the way, you can pull the steering line to help it to turn more quickly.
- Prepare for some power.
- Push your bar away if you feel a surge of power as it travels back up through the middle of the power zone or hold on and get body dragged but keep flying your kite.
- Only let go of your bar if you are in danger.
- Bring your kite to 12.
- Your lines will be twisted. Do not panic. Fly your kite as normal.
- You can fly your kite with twisted lines as long as you keep the red or the left side of your bar on your left.
- When your kite has settled and is at 12 then you can unspin your bar calmly.
If you attempt a down loop and your kite is too low in the window such as at 10 or 2, you could be too late and no matter how hard you pull your bar end or even your line, your kite may not have enough room to turn fully and climb back up before hitting the water.
Know that the harder you pull your bar, the quicker your kite will turn through the down loop and the less that you will get pulled.
Downlooping your kite made simple
- Only down loop your kite as a last resort and when it is at the edge of the wind window where there is less power
- If your kite is on your right pull hard on the right side of your bar, if your kite is on your left, pull hard on the left side of your bar.
- Do not twist your bar, keep it level and keep pulling hard until your kite turns all the way around