Before you go out you must know all your gear inside out. Spend some time on your lessons practicing setup and packing away. Be sure to ask your instructor to explain as much as possible about the gear you are using and how it works.
Parts of a kiteboarding kite
Parts of a kiteboarding bar
Recommended Kitesurfing equipment
An inflatable Kitesurfing Kite, free from rips and tears that holds air and is the correct size according to your body weight and the wind speed.
Your kite is the most important bit of kit. Its your safety craft and able to get you back to safety. Invest in the newest gear that you can afford and stick with the largest brands such as Ozone, Duotone, North, Naish etc. Look after your kite, dont drag it over the beach, check it for holes, rip and tears. If in doubt dont go out.
A working Kitesurfing pump that has the correct connection for your make of kite.
Get a modern pump as they have improved so much over the years. They are more efficient and are easier to use plus much more comfy in your hands so no blisters. Click on the image to get one on
A Kitesurfing specific bar and lines that can be used with your kite and has an effective, modern safety release leash system that attaches to your harness.
Your bar and lines are important as your kite and should be looked after. Check for knots, frayed parts, make sure sand isn’t clogging your safety system up by dipping it in the sea.
A “twin tip” board that can be ridden in both directions.
You dont need to learn on a twin tip but it will make learning how to ride upwind so much faster. Riding upwind means you can get back to where you started so you dont have to walk. Check your boards screws reguarly. If buying secondhand go for a used top of the range board from a big brand such as Duotone, North, Ozone, Naish and dont buy a cheap new board. When you can ride a twip tip upwind then you are ready to try other boards.
Recommended personal Kitesurfing equipment
A Kitesurfing harness that fits correctly and has an emergency leash attached to the front or the side so it can be released quickly and easily.
Mystic are my personal favourite as they seem to have the best shape to fit most people. They are one of the biggest brands in Kiteboarding so their durability is excellent too. Seat harnesses are great for learning but also work better than waist harnesses for some. Click on the image to take you to
A line cutter that attaches to your harness that you can access quickly
A must and no excuse as it could save your life for less than $20. Click on the image to get one on
A buoyancy aid or an impact vest designed for use in the water.
Not essential if you are riding in shallow water but hugely important to have one on when learning in deep water or on your lesson in deep water. Will not save your life if unconscious so its not a life vest as it wont keep your head above water but it is the next best thing. Click to buy on
A safety helmet that is designed to be used in the water.
We should all be wearing helmets and not just learners. Period. Zero excuses. Click on the link to see on
A cheap mobile phone in a waterproof bag that can be carried in a pocket or in your wetsuit for emergencies.
Having a mobile phone on you is useful for so many reasons. If the worst happens you can call for help. A small phone fits down your wetsuit top and doesn’t notice. It could save your life or the life of someone else on the beach.
$20 on Almost as cheap as a waterproof bag to put it in.
Depending on your location a warm wetsuit, wetsuit boots, gloves, hat and sunscreen.
Nothing burns like the cold. Once you are cold nothing is fun. If you get stranded at sea for a few hours then you want to be as warm as possible so dont skimp here. Go for a big brand like O’Neil.
Check out my equipment buying guide and also my recommendations on how to look after your gear.
Before you fly your kite, you need to understand the wind window When flying a kite you must have the wind on your back. When you are standing with the wind directly on your back, the wind window is directly in front of you. The wind window is shaped like a semi-circle and is numbered…
When you are learning to Kitesurf, it is much easier and safer, if your location has shallow water that is above your knee and below your waist. Also you must have a bare minimum of 2 kite line lengths of space downwind of the area that you are flying your kite. This is something that…
When you have completed your wind and site checks and you are confident that you have the skill level for your chosen location and right size kite for the conditions, it is time to set up your gear. Walk to a clear area on the beach that is free from any obstacles and make sure…
All Kitesurfers are expert body draggers (also known as body surfing) even the pros. Body dragging is where you use the power of your kite to pull you through the water without your board. You have to be able to body drag to recover your board when you fall off, to get yourself back to…
Before you kiteboard.. Check the weather forecast, the tides and any possible wind effects Ask yourself the following questions. Will there be enough wind for my skill level and my equipment? Will there be too much wind for my skill level and my equipment? Is the wind strength going to pick up so it is…
To listen to the Podcast for this post click here So you have seen someone flying through the air on a kiteboard. You have been inspired and have since booked your lessons, what now? How can you truly learn kiteboarding faster and get the most value out of your lessons? From the thousands of lessons…