Twisted Lines – Dont Panic – You Can Fly Your Kite As Normal.

Twisted Lines – Dont Panic – You Can Fly Your Kite As Normal.

Your main kite lines can be twisted in three ways. If your kite lines have become twisted, dont panic, you can fly your kite as normal with twisted lines as long as your bar is the right way round with the red side on your left (or however your bar is the correct way round)….

How to put your safety back together in the water in wind from an accidental release

How to put your safety back together in the water in wind from an accidental release

While in the learning stages of Kitesurfing you will inevitably be crashing your kite more often. The more you crash your kite, the greater the chance that you will twist your lines or that your kite will invert. There is also a high chance that you could accidentally activate your main safety and if any…

How looping your kite can save your life – Kiterboarding Downloops and Kiteloops explained.

How looping your kite can save your life – Kiterboarding Downloops and Kiteloops explained.

What is looping your kite? In the simplest terms looping your kite is when you steer your kite aggressively in one direction so it completes a full circle. Why should you learn to loop your kite? There are times in kiteboarding where if your kite falls into the water it will be impossible to relaunch…

How to nail the basic Kiteboarding transition in record time.

How to nail the basic Kiteboarding transition in record time.

Also known as turns, sliding turns, basic turns or most commonly known as transitions. Its basically a change of direction. The best way to think of a turn is a controlled stop and then a board start in the opposite direction without sitting down. Over the last 15 years of teaching kiteboarding I have helped…

How to trim your Kiteboarding kite for more power, less power and to prevent back stalling.

How to trim your Kiteboarding kite for more power, less power and to prevent back stalling.

The main purpose of your kites trim system is to help give you less power. What does being overpowered actually mean? You are overpowered if your kite is pulling you downwind when it is in the no power zones at the edges of the wind window at positions 9, 10, 11, 12, 1, 2 or…

How to self land your kiteboarding kite, the safest method that can be used in any wind and any emergency situation.

How to self land your kiteboarding kite, the safest method that can be used in any wind and any emergency situation.

When learning to board start and building up longer and longer runs on your board, no matter how careful you are regarding your distance, there is a good chance than you will drift downwind and be in the situation where no one is around to help you land your kite. This is why… It is…

Kiteboarding waterstart, how to control your speed and common challenges.

Kiteboarding waterstart, how to control your speed and common challenges.

How to ride further and control your speed  You are now standing up on your board but only for a few meters, it’s time to get in control of the power, your speed, your kite and your body position and ride further and further.  If you are slowing down and beginning to sink into the…

How to Board Start / Water Start in Kiteboarding / Kitesurfing and ride the board Part 1

How to Board Start / Water Start in Kiteboarding / Kitesurfing and ride the board Part 1

When learning to board start its best to start using the baby steps philosophy. Start by getting up and riding 2ft / 1 meter and then bringing your kite back to 12 and sitting down then start again and ride 2-3 feet bringing the kite back to 12 and sitting down again. What you want…

Body dragging, body surfing, upwind body dragging and Kiteboarding board recovery.

Body dragging, body surfing, upwind body dragging and Kiteboarding board recovery.

 All Kitesurfers are expert body draggers (also known as body surfing) even the pros. Body dragging is where you use the power of your kite to pull you through the water without your board. You have to be able to body drag to recover your board when you fall off, to get yourself back to…

Pre flight check and how to use your kiteboarding bar to control your kite

Pre flight check and how to use your kiteboarding bar to control your kite

Pre-flight check The purpose of a pre flight check is to make sure that when you launch your kite you are 100% sure that all your lines are connected correctly. Make sure you always perform a pre-flight check as part of your setup ritual. Do it before you launch any kite for the first time….

How to set up your Kiteboarding Kite and attach your bar and lines

How to set up your Kiteboarding Kite and attach your bar and lines

When you have completed your wind and site checks and you are confident that you have the skill level for your chosen location and right size kite for the conditions, it is time to set up your gear. Walk to a clear area on the beach that is free from any obstacles and make sure…

The Kiteboarding Rights of Way and Hand Signals Used Internationally.

The Kiteboarding Rights of Way and Hand Signals Used Internationally.

Before you go out on the water it is important that you know and understand the international rights of way for Kitesurfing.  Avoid collisions at all costs. – The most important rule. Give way to all other water users. – Kitesurfers have no priority. A Kitesurfer who has launched their kite and is entering the…

Pre Kiteboarding check – Site assessment / spot check

Pre Kiteboarding check – Site assessment / spot check

When you are sure that you have safe, cross onshore wind, know the wind speed, have chosen the right size kite and checked the forecast, its time to check that your location is safe for Kitesurfing. Firstly you must get into the habit of spending 5-10 min standing on the beach and checking all the…

Pre Kiteboarding Check – Checking the forecast and knowing wind effects.

Pre Kiteboarding Check – Checking the forecast and knowing wind effects.

Before you kiteboard.. Check the weather forecast, the tides and any possible wind effects Ask yourself the following questions. Will there be enough wind for my skill level and my equipment? Will there be too much wind for my skill level and my equipment? Is the wind strength going to pick up so it is…

Get to know your kiteboarding equipment and what you need to get on the water safely.

Get to know your kiteboarding equipment and what you need to get on the water safely.

Before you go out you must know all your gear inside out. Spend some time on your lessons practicing setup and packing away. Be sure to ask your instructor to explain as much as possible about the gear you are using and how it works. Parts of a kiteboarding kite Parts of a kiteboarding bar…

6 game changing tips to help you to prepare for your Kiteboarding lessons.

6 game changing tips to help you to prepare for your Kiteboarding lessons.

To listen to the Podcast for this post click here So you have seen someone flying through the air on a kiteboard. You have been inspired and have since booked your lessons, what now? How can you truly learn kiteboarding faster and get the most value out of your lessons? From the thousands of lessons…